Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Travis' Post - Week 5

I just realized I forgot to post during class today, so I'm posting now. This past week I mostly worked on my SkillsUSA project and some tutorials, but I did make a scorch mark texture to use after a tootsie bomb explodes. I will add a picture of it to this post tomorrow when I have access to it. Also, I modeled another house (we needed a new, simpler model to use to make UV mapping and texturing easier). I will post a picture of the house tomorrow, too. Next I will start texturing the house model and working on other things that need to be textured.

Here's the images:

This is the scorch mark texture. It looks better in photoshop, but when I save it as a png it comes out a little weird. I will probably alter it eventually.

Here are some pictures of the simple house model.

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